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08/31/15 4:35 PM

#164636 RE: denmo83 #164631

I did pick up R. Iglesias with the eye towards a two start week next week. Not sure I can do anything about this week, as the team I am playing has all six starters with two starts this week. Go figure, 2nd worst team in the league and out of the playoffs, yet they have a 100 point projected advantage over me for the week????

Anyway, with the threat of Ventura sitting Rodon on his next start, Strasburg with a balky back again and Yordi Ventura facing off against Detroit, I think I am going to play Iglesias this week too. He is starting vs. The Cubs, so with the way he has been mowing down batters and their propensity to swing and miss, could get 20 KO's from him in that start! :>