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08/30/15 12:09 AM

#94807 RE: janice shell #94805

Ahhhh, Leo Wanta... what a certifiable kook! But good for laugh after laugh...It's been so long I'm fuzzy on details, but didn't she just choose that name? The real Leo Wanta may have been a real person, but most of his claimed activities were make believe...?
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08/30/15 12:21 AM

#94809 RE: janice shell #94805

ROFLMAO, I forgot about the half-man half-lizard dude. She also claimed her neighbor dumped kitty litter infected with Toxoplasma gondii into her yard causing her to develop worms in her brain and causing her ear to rot off, lol. There was one story she told about being pursued by an evil spirit out in the middle of the street so she summoned up all her psychic powers, turned around and threw an energy ball at him that encapsulated him and destroyed him, rofl. I have to admit she is the most colorful character I have known online and yes, she still posts on the Raging Bull forum.

Now Al Hodges, that is one guy I just don't understand. He swallowed the Leo Wanta money tale hook, line, and sinker, claimed he had proof that it was real and was allocated by Wanta to go to the CMKX shareholders or some such. Those same people who look for Urban's resurrection follow Al's every word and yes, he is still around. Every once in a while you will see a message from him being posted in the CMKX Facebook group. He is supposedly still pursuing the Wanta money. Of course, the members never hear from him directly. It's always a message from some of the worst of the CMKX decepticons like Jay Shultz, Fuddly Montoya, Tramp (who passed away) etc. Al is just insane, seriously. For a lawyer he has lost all his marbles.

CMKX forum on Facebook:

Here is the latest from Al, posted on June 11, 2015:

Please understand that I am NOT the Trustor NOR the Trustee; I have no power to change the Trust's provisions, nor to affect it in any manner. I am simply a stockholder-beneficiary as are each of you. I have no obligation, nor duty to any of you, except the duty and obligation to make this life for me and those I care about (and humanity in general) better, happier, more fulfilling, and more loving - one to all others; in the words of the Declaration of Independence, I have pledged my Life, my Fortune and my sacred Honor to do so.

I happen to believe and embrace the words which appear below my avatar: "All that is required for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing." I have tried to live my life accordingly. And, MLK was quite correct when he said "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." As a result, in no small portion attributable to my direct involvement in CMKX, essentially as a volunteer working off my own wealth, I feel more alive today than at any previous time in my life; in addition, I have learned more about the important things in life in the last ten years, than in the previous 50+.

Just for the record, I'm as sick and tired as all of you about the inordinate time lapse that we have all endured. However, it turns out that the 'cabal' was much more deeply entrenched around the world, especially the western world, than anyone fully appreciated; additionally, the cabal has been willing to do anything and everything imaginable to delay the coming dénouement in hopes of wholly avoiding it. They are responsible for "9/11," which is finally beginning to come to light; they are responsible for the fact that Washington, D.C. has operated our Republic as a corporation for the last 150+ years; they are responsible for hiding all of these facts from you; they are responsible for ISIS; they are responsible for attempting to ignite WWIII; and, they are directly responsible for much much more.

I have done my very, very best to keep you all apprised of the benchmarks of this long and arduous journey. In part, I felt it necessary to do so in recognition of the simple fact that you never purchased your stock with the idea that you were becoming one piece of a huge operation to free the world from centuries of financial slavery. The fact remains that such is the case. You have each played a pivotal role in freeing America, once more. Take pride and joy in such an accomplishment, and look forward to finally receiving your monetary reward with some measure of patience.

Please show compassion and understanding to your fellows - have a loving outlook when you resist the temptation to react with your flight-or-fight response. My very best regards to all.