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08/28/15 8:31 PM

#97880 RE: RobertRico #97878

The damage has been done. We can all see through your lies.

Why the RS in 2015? When you clearly said there would be none in 2015. You lied to entice buying so you could STEAL more $$$ from SHAREHOLDERS.

What happened to the +30 7-11s? Only 1 LOCATION had it! LIE!

What happened to all the +30 SCHOOLS??? You said there was a deal. LIE!

What happened to IHOP? Didn't you send water there? You posted pics daily on FB with lies.

You stole & LIED! You will be held accountable for your CRIMINAL actions. You never had any deals. You are a SCAM ARTIST! Using your daughter to dilute. PATHETIC.



08/28/15 8:55 PM

#97886 RE: RobertRico #97878

How can you tell when Robert Rico is lying????

When his lips are moving!

There never was a Publix deal.

A letter from their corporate office states that very clearly.

There was no Battlefrogs "partnership" only an agreement to allow you to donate some water to the kids portion of the race.

Their press release was very clear!

What's your excuse for strategically putting US Navy SEALS in front of Battlefrogs name in your fraudulent press release?

They don't do that, why did you?

Just another smoke and mirror to implement a pump and dump scheme.

"Now available at Miami Children's Hospital"? With pictures in front of their hospitals?

Hahaha... Come on you never sold them anything for retail. You only donated water so you could take pictures and use their name for more pump and dump schemes!

What about all those revenues in your press releases?

Where did they disappear to?

Distribution Agreements?

Your $175,000 a year salary plus daily expenses for the $5,200 in sales?

I could go on but why bother?

We all know that you're a pathological liar who pretends to be the victim.

Coming on this board only proves what a Narcissist you truly are!


08/28/15 8:57 PM

#97887 RE: RobertRico #97878

GREAT to see your COURAGE, RICO by coming to PLKD board

Let's prove ALL WRONG and reward shareholders by closing this reverse merger.

Thank You.


08/28/15 11:04 PM

#97927 RE: RobertRico #97878

$PLKD:RICO : NOTED. However, you were either NOT HONEST
Or Not very Competent.

S/Hs suffered a GREAT DEAL with your "NON-PROFIT" & borderline deception.

However, CREDIT where Credit is due: IMO YOUR GREATEST BUSINESS DEAL is going to be the R/M with NGH.


P.S. Most here, do believe that you care for your daughter.


08/28/15 11:08 PM

#97928 RE: RobertRico #97878

You will be held accountable for the ROBBERY you've committed on shareholders with LIES & despicable use of your own DAUGHTER to mislead shareholders into a PUBLIX deal. You should be ashamed of yourself & your day of karma will come. You've done many people wrong & have not apologized or admitted fault. You are a COWARD.

Why the RS in 2015? When you clearly said there would be none in 2015. You lied to entice buying so you could STEAL more $$$ from SHAREHOLDERS.

What happened to the +30 7-11s? Only 1 LOCATION had it! LIE!

What happened to all the +30 SCHOOLS??? You said there was a deal. LIE!

What happened to IHOP? Didn't you send water there? You posted pics daily on FB with lies.

You stole & LIED! You will be held accountable for your CRIMINAL actions. You never had any deals. You are a SCAM ARTIST! Using your daughter to dilute. PATHETIC.


$Money Bags$

08/29/15 8:45 AM

#97965 RE: RobertRico #97878

Hey, if this is Robert, do you mind telling everyone how you used investor money to fund the atm business and then basically take it private and maintain a roll in it? I talked to the new owner years back and he confirmed that you were still associated. This is a clear sec violation, although that's fairly petty as the end game is to just survive on investor money.

The pattern of investor fleecing is apparent and appears to be continuing for the foreseeable future. Good luck, and soon you will have to face the investors you have bilked.