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08/27/15 11:06 PM

#26540 RE: Russ1725 #26536

LOL. COR got caught red handed so they a suing. Expect a counter suit from CRGP tomorrow.
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08/27/15 11:06 PM

#26541 RE: Russ1725 #26536

Thanks for posting that. Excellent popcorn read here on the complaints section.
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08/27/15 11:22 PM

#26562 RE: Russ1725 #26536

Can we get a mod to sticky this? Definitely better than any speculation that has been stickied. To me, they found a loophole in the DTCC system with dilution.. Hate to say it cause I thought it to be a positive company, may still be, but apparently they been getting paid and not just from copper..
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08/27/15 11:36 PM

#26580 RE: Russ1725 #26536

this is hilarious!!!

I particularly liked this last part

WHEREFORE, COR Clearing prays for judgment against Defendants as follows: "

sounds like a hail mary to me $CRGP

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08/27/15 11:53 PM

#26609 RE: Russ1725 #26536

And here is "the con":

7. In sum, Calissio’s retention of some or all of the over $4 million charged to COR Clearing’s accounts, notwithstanding its admission that it is not entitled to same, is an indication of Calissio’s intent to stall any legal action by COR Clearing, in order to further the fraud being perpetrated. 8. Through its fraud, Calissio has retained some or all of $4 million from COR Clearing to which it has admitted it is not entitled. COR Clearing is entitled to restitution of these funds, and injunctive relief is warranted to ensure these funds are not disposed of by Defendants but rather held until they can be repaid to COR Clearing after its ultimate success on
the merits.

30. Accordingly, DTCC collected dividends from entities that had sold non-dividendeligible shares to Calissio and its affiliates before the ex-dividend date, even though those sellers had not received any dividends themselves from Calissio. This obviously created a scenario where Calissio was being paid dividends on the basis of shares that were not dividend-eligible, causing a windfall to Calissio and its affiliates, and a loss to the sellers. 31. On information and belief, Calissio, Carter, and Transfer Agent were aware of the fact that DTCC was collecting dividends for it on non-dividend-eligible shares that Calissio and its affiliates had repurchased, as Calissio was the one who authorized the dividend and knew which shares were eligible and which were not eligible. However, Calissio, Carter, and Transfer Agent intended to defraud the sellers, the clearing system, and indeed the marketplace by failing to provide this information to DTCC or the sellers of those shares

WHEREFORE, COR Clearing prays for judgment against Defendants as follows:
1. That pending the final hearing of this case, this Court issue an order for a temporary restraining order, preliminary and permanent injunction prohibiting Defendants from disposing of the over $4 million referenced herein until those funds can be repaid to COR Clearing after success on the merits;2. For declaratory judgment that Defendants are not entitled to the over $4 milliondividend from Calissio’s purchase of Calissio shares from Nobilis;3. For restitution of the money debited by DTCC;4. For punitive damages;5. For costs of suit incurred herein, including ttorneys’ fees; and,6. For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.

Plaintiff COR Clearing, LLC demands a trial by jury on all issues so triable. PlaintiffCOR Clearing, LLC requests that the trial take place in Omaha, Nebraska.

...thanks for the info friend...
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janice shell

08/28/15 12:00 AM

#26621 RE: Russ1725 #26536

My God! I've never seen anything like that. I take back everything I said about CRGP not understanding the dividend process.

The company and whoever's behind it understood it all too well.
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08/28/15 12:34 AM

#26681 RE: Russ1725 #26536

This suite may not hold water. On June 16 when the dividend was announced, the proceeds to pay that dividend was based on the shares that where allotted the bill on June 30th.

June 16th stock price
O at .0252
H At .0297
L at .018
C at .0207

June 30th closing price
C at .009

.009+ 25%=0.01125
.009+ 24%=0.01116
.009+ 23%=0.01107
.009+ 22%=0.01098

.01125 or more would enact the Rule 11140 the company did not break any laws up to this point.....No malicious/intent to defraud

Now, it does gets tricky from there to Aug 18th. As far as the share buyback, it was announced 15 days Pryor to the div, announcement. so.

O well we shall see.
ST Good luck to all
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08/28/15 1:45 AM

#26761 RE: Russ1725 #26536

Sounds to me like the dude who held the 327 million shares, did not know about the 25% rule, so he dumped all of those shares prior to August 18th. Since he sold out, he is no longer qualified to get the divvy, and is now butthurt about it. The only possible fraud I see is Adam Carter telling that guy that his shares did not qualify for the divvy, all the while knowing that they did qualify, in order to buy up those shares themselves. Will keep following this chain of events!
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08/28/15 7:06 AM

#26844 RE: Russ1725 #26536

There's the fraud,absolutely incredible,75 count complaint
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08/28/15 7:13 AM

#26846 RE: Russ1725 #26536

#29--80% of shares issued after June 30th are not dividend eligible
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08/28/15 9:38 AM

#26936 RE: Russ1725 #26536

Well that sticks a fork in this.
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08/28/15 9:44 AM

#26939 RE: Russ1725 #26536

Oh man, that's a big freakin' problem..Imo
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08/28/15 12:48 PM

#27139 RE: Russ1725 #26536

Holy z