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08/26/15 4:31 PM

#24809 RE: L_Rab #24770

Jugas a GREAT trade friend of mine asked me just the other day what I thought of CRGP~I told her as Straight and Fast as I could that this was the TIME to take profit as Tomorrow it may be Gone~ Well you see what happened today and it makes me Sick~ I would NEVER Revel in ANY trader LOSING Money! EVER! I think it Sucks frankly and Hurts as thats money that SHOULD have gone into something worthy of a trade is Now GONE!~ The 50% Rule doesnt look so Bad after you see events like this decay or destroy the very traders that MAKE the OTC market~ Not happy and Not a shareholder~ Just sick good people attached themselves to a pipe dream hope that has never and will Never materialize in the OTC and thats a Divy!

