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08/25/15 10:40 PM

#402950 RE: Gungrey #402944

Gun...Shortselling is regularly used here to either supress SP, controlling it from "running away" (going too high too quick) and/or to drive the SP down...

imo, lately by the MMs and possibly "other interested parties"...
(equity or options shorts or ???)

FNRA gives us a tool that offers partial transparency as to the actual trading taking place on any given day...The SHO reports are released daily for the same day's activity...usually after 5:30 PM eastern...

The report shows for each stock symbol, the volume of trading on the Nasdaq and on another page the NYSE...There is a buyer and a seller for every trade...what the report shows is what number of shares were shorted as part of the total volume of sells...Unfortunately, we don't get to know what number of shares are buys to cover on the buy side of the transaction...
Today, for IDCC on the Nasdaq, about 80% of all sells were short sales...who the buyers of those sells were...well...don't know...
So don't actually get to know what the "net" trading was...but I strongly believe that actual Net trading volumes, when discounting all the churning that happens, are just a fraction of the reported volumes...The "machines" (HFT computers rapid-fire a lot of the "same shares" back and forth seemingly all day long)...
Which brings to mind the true "lack of liquidity" in this and many other stocks...Bids or Asks will absolutely vanish in a fraction of a second, when the Machines decide to go one direction, or Not to participate...
THEY, as I call THEM, have been pushing down Hard on this stock for weeks...its Not a Sell-off, but a Push-down...
I eagerly await the day when we get good enuf news that "all the asks vanish"...have you ever seen a computer "sweat"...?!!
Me neither, but THEY sure will...

