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08/26/15 11:19 AM

#433693 RE: gold-nugget #433637

I am probably missing a lot of the pieces

But at the same time - the court made some very public and clear decisions

Word smithing around them is ignoring the simple official materials - which dictated the waterfall

So I think I am in the middle - by saying

The path we are on will not yield much to escrows (say 10-100 M)

There likely were mistakes made in what was viewed as parent holdings and assets and subsidiary holdings and assets

There would need to be court action to enrich the escrows with any of the money the DD correctly identified -- be it 300 million or 30 Billion

I reiterate - despite all the word smithing and my missing pieces

Money (parent company money) found and identified by many doing great DD --- will not reach escrows short of new court action and from where I sit that requires

A. Deep Pockets
B. Or - several people doing DD and finding assets in their opinion -- finding an attorney and sitting down together with an attorney -- for say a 50-50 contingency split -- and getting them to agree to purusue (with a contract that does not let the lawyer bail until A B or C happens ((as the attorney getting half of say 20 million will likely stop there if not precluded with a well written agreement)

Short of court action I remain of the belief - at 99% - that none of the actual assets improperly sent to JPM will find their way to the escrow (and I do not believe there are piles of money that Sussman planted)