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08/23/15 10:21 PM

#100592 RE: Sheepdog #100590

The sad history of PRPM is that it was under a DTCC Global Lock starting in April of 2014. All of the Company's (imaginary) plans came to a halt and the GL was a convenient excuse.

The plan (as explained during the summer of 2014) was that Eddie and Looter who going to distribute shares to the victims/bagholders of PRPM in the new shell called SUTI. SUTI would be the trading vehicle that would take the PRPM business plan with BOOM soon to follow. You can see the price performance of SUTI including the R/S that Eddie instituted in October of 2014.

So, you see, PRPM holders were getting shares in SUTI to make up for the pain they endured under the very unfair DTCC GL. That distribution was to take place anytime starting last July of 2014 through...well...maybe this July.'s August now. I dunno.

One of Looter's last hurrahs was to note that Eddie was in charge of the filing with FINA for the SUTI share distribution. Looter didn't want to make any statements that would sully his stellar resume and reputation. The guards at the Washington County Jail that keep an eye on the former PRPM/SUTI CEO are duly impressed with his "truthiness"...and his ability to keep his cell neat and orderly.

You get the picture.
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08/26/15 8:27 AM

#100619 RE: Sheepdog #100590

It's all Eddie snake oil PUMP and DUMP nonsense. To buy this FRAUD with all those 12B shares would cost $1.2M at today's pps--SUTI has $30.00 bucks in the bank.

To do some kind of a swap Eddie would have to DILUTE SUTI with BILLIONS of shares seeing how the OS is almost tapped out. There are only around 700M left and they promised 600M of them in a dividend to PRPM,which of course they were supposed to have received a MONTH ago. Then he PROMISED another divy to them in Sept and one for SUTI bagholders in Oct.

Nothing but plate spinning LYING BS.