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08/23/15 9:56 PM

#15263 RE: Doktornolittle #15255

Oh, you're kidding me! Must be thirty years since I've heard this.

So familiar from my youth, never knew the lines...articulate. She was a natural beauty. Life...

Perhaps, just a little 1-3 cowbell :-)

Up-time this week, hang-on!
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08/24/15 4:47 AM

#15272 RE: Doktornolittle #15255

Upon waking up this morning and checking the futures market it looks like another blood bath for today. I believe i am safe with my investment here in AVXL. NASDAQ futures are down 155 as i write this and things promise to get ugly, can't wait to see what happens today. The fed has failed, and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth at the open.