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08/22/15 1:21 PM

#38889 RE: Ready4bluesky #38887

Given ready, that the glass of water is always half empty for you, I'm not surprised you find my hypothesis to not hold water for you.

Again, this is my theory...

They had never intended to tell us any of this was going on until the time was right. Maybe when they were given AA. And if wasn't granted, then all the better for not having told us anything. But why stop screening? Because my hypothesis does hold water.

Whoever headed for the exits were those that chose to act on the information that was out there... that the trial itself had been halted in the EU. That was NOT necessarily going to be good. It usually means a BIG AMENDMENT to the trial is coming. Hence, and seeing a repeat of last year's August events, they headed for the exits. A big event was coming, and they didn't think it was going to be good.

Now we know that it was a screen halt, not a trial halt.

Now, if one does elliot waves, one can see this down turn... which was all for nothing... has set us up for a very large third wave heading UP.

You can head for the exits if you must. This time though, I think you will really be kicking yourself if you do.


08/22/15 2:47 PM

#38905 RE: Ready4bluesky #38887

Most likely it was programmed trading. Once prices begin to drop beyond a threshold, automatic trades kick in. That is my guess. Also, too many people are speculating (shorting, options and puts)in this stock, and leave themselves vulnerable. They are forced to dump what they have to cover their positions. Those who own their stocks outright can sit back and yawn, knowing the price will return once results are announced.


08/23/15 7:55 AM

#38991 RE: Ready4bluesky #38887

Ready I think the volume today is actually somewhat irrelevant. When a biotech moves that much in the morning all the day traders come flocking over. Let's say just five people bought and sold 10k shares 5 times, a very likely scenario on a day like we had, that's 500k volume just like that. If you don't believe me I would ask why else did ClayTrader decide to post his video on this board today? I am not so worried about the volume, institutional investors don't dump shares on terrible price days because of tweets.