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Seminole Red

06/16/06 10:43 PM

#257715 RE: InAnotherLife #257712

well thank you IAL..finally an intelligent post....even though they could have made 300k or more its still important to show these X-employees havent lost near as much as the investors here that preceded them.....they come on IHUB here with there big stories and sad tales and everyone here sucks up to them....i think its funny...they dont know squat.
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06/16/06 11:02 PM

#257718 RE: InAnotherLife #257712

Thanks for stepping in to clear things up a little for that guy. You summed it up perfectly

I will add, 1) I was NOT an executive, certainly not a "top executive." I was technical director (which means I push a lot of pretty colored buttons) and I directed a few shows as a fill-in during the "life-support" phase. 2) I think I mentioned this before, I was hired for a base-salary that when divided over an 11-12 hour day was HALF the industry average for my position in this market, it was less than half of what I'm making as a freelancer. Clayton was apparently privy to some salaries and was close on mine, but even the number he has is $10,000 higher than my actual salary. 3) The "benefits" I was told I'd have after 90 days turned out to include NOTHING, no health insurance, no stock options, no 401k, nothing except some paid time off I had pre-negotiated. 4) Besides being severly underpaid, I laid out $75-100 per week of my own money to supply craft service to the crew & guests because the company stopped doing that two weeks in.

Before anyone starts with the "whining" comments, again, I am simply responding to these outrageous accusations that I somehow made bank off QTN and now have an agenda for being here. I knew the deal I was getting was shoddy and I took it for two reasons: first because they waited until I had left my previous job to change the terms and I didn't have much of a choice, but also because I believed in what we were doing there, the people I was working with and very much wanted to see it succeed. And unless you were there working with us, twelve hours a day, you can't seriously claim otherwise.

That said - congrats, the bashers have won. This is the last time I'll be posting here. Having moved on fairly well from many of the wounds inflicted by the Q debacle, it is extremely painful to come here and listen to stuff like this, after everything we did to make Q work. I know most of you have been very cool, very supportive and totally with us on who the bad guys are, but as long as there are irrational, hateful people (some I think we all suspect are speaking to the benefit of Team Olsen & Team Fan) who try to make insane cases for people like myself, Jack Jett or Carrie Havel being responsible for Q's downfall, I just don't need it.

Like Red pointed out, I was not a stockholder or investor in QTN, so it's not worth the time, anger and frustration involved in getting into these pointless debates on a message board. I do have better things to do. Nor can I wait for the financials to come out either, Red, so you can find out how little I was making. Then you'll see why losing a month's pay hurts enough to equal what investors have lost.

I do still believe that most of us are in this together and will keep Clayton and Tom up on any developments from the ex-employee's side, but I will do it through e-mail, not here. More than that, I truly hope the rest of you are able to get past the people spewing nonsense and work with us to find those answers we so badly need, to hold those responsible accountable.

Best to you all, sorry I can't deal with this any more.