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06/16/06 11:36 PM

#257720 RE: CFlynn #257718

I just received a copy of this letter mysteriously in my email. I'm sure it's as real as some of the other recent posts .....

Dear (name withheld)

Thank you so much for the postcard from Key West. Yes, it's a magical place - all those handsome men. And make sure to have the conch chowder at Louis' Backyard - yum!!

Frank O and I have just purchased a small island in the South Pacific, right near Marlon Brando's old getaway. We're down there right now, in the process of finalizing the plans for our small 8000 square foot cottage. The 3 Lincoln Navigators arrive by ship next week - even though there aren't any roads on the island. And what we're going to do with 74 plasma TVs, since there isn't any electricity....

But what really bothers me is Frank's plan for the dormitory for his 18 'nephews' from the mainland. Why he needs them down here, when he's got me, his number-one huggie-bunny......but he's got this big idea about renting out the nephews to the neighbors on adjoining islands, since it seems the natives will pay big bucks for - how do you say in English - American boy-butt.

We've supposedly received a lot of Priority Mail in Burbank from the SEC, DOJ, IRS, FBI, KFC, IHOP and other organizations with many initials. I don't think we'll have it forwarded here. Since we've declared our island to be its own country, we don't have to worry about those pesky extradition treaties! Hee Hee!

Anyway, I'll let you know when the man-made lagoon is finished, and we've stocked it with the dolphins we're bringing in from Australia. You can come for a swim!

I LOVE gullible American investors! Hee Hee!

Your friend.

Lloyd Fan

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06/16/06 11:49 PM

#257722 RE: CFlynn #257718


Yet another person who saw and heard Frank... everyday... first hand... you KNEW what was happening... and did NOTHING. With that said.... I knew the same things...I threatend press releases, lawsuits and halts with production... only then was I (my company) paid. I did not "shut up and take IT" though... SG was fired, again not "retired" because of my (our) voice.... Beyond all of your stories of hardships... YOU WERE F'N THERE EVERYDAY...YOU SAW THE FAT MAN RECK HAVOK ON EVERYTHING...YOU DID NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by the way......... anyone heard from RICH BARNS? He knows more than all that has been posted here.... He was my contact at Q.... seek him out... he quit and Frank "made" him come back......... he knows everything.
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06/17/06 9:12 AM

#257729 RE: CFlynn #257718

Thanks Chris, and good luck. Please do keep Clayton and Tom informed.