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08/14/15 7:55 AM

#31711 RE: macnqueso #31710

"....I have said multiple times this management team is not good at telling their own story... "

Which is why Simon Bramfitt will be a excellent addition .


08/14/15 7:58 AM

#31712 RE: macnqueso #31710

There are folks here who will try to get you focused on small things... especially negative details.... so that you won't notice the huge positives emerging in front of you... you decide what you pay attention to... S3D... low risk at these levels... high potential reward... jmo... glta...


08/14/15 8:43 AM

#31721 RE: macnqueso #31710

Macnqueso...keen always (this is my "ALA" post)

"Ala" Simon Bramfitt hired who can talk to the industry from a position of strength in the visualization quadrant. A very big endorsement...

Patrick (Canadian Investor) on the $40M issue and CC ... not handled well... the final commentary on the issue should have been the first commentary on the issue. Patrick was 100% in his right and correct for being upset. The "failure to get back to him" after the last call was a real big PR error by management and indicative of "issues" IMHO of who is in control? Very tough to have 2 in control without turf issues (not saying their are, since I have no knowledge) but generally lots falls through the cracks, AND ...

"Ala" ..."We formed a Committee to Examine Enhancing Shareholder Value" = "we are stumbling" in Execution. Turf issues...humm?

Then there is the issue of "Da Numbers"...$160M run rate and hitting $40M by end of Q4.

Does anyone think they will reach $40M by 4th answer is HOW CAN THEY NOT?....At this point the management team would have to be beyond incompetent not to reach it. They had $18.5 in revenue this quarter and just BOUGHT (though diluted shareholders, but is supposed to be accretive) $13.5 (net of current licensing revenue) in revenue via RDX....that's $32 M in revenue. Without more deterioration..(which is claimed due to currency adjustments and client OEM reorganization) how can they not build $8M in reoccurring revenue over the next 6 months ending 12.31.2015? (my error, see below)

"Ala" ...$40M run rate will be in the bag (and they have known why since it was stated by E.K.) ...and IMHO...likely a beat, maybe even a big beat.

(sorry only allowed post for the day, so cant respond, can only edit this one post) error as pointed out....ONLY $3.4 in Revenue per $22M...then I revise to likely a meet and not necessarily a beat on $40M...

Still believe enough "irons in the fire" to beat.


08/14/15 10:02 AM

#31740 RE: macnqueso #31710

Mac I listened to the call again and I have to say top management is awful. The don't answer questions and they change the game plan about guidance? We have great products but bad management can overwhelm that in a second. Looking ahead I think revenue will start to rise quickly, but they filed that shelf and they will hit us with a lot of stock. The dilution and management are going to be around for a while, great products or not.