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08/10/15 4:38 PM

#431927 RE: AZCowboy #431914

The wamu deal is over, jpm bought everything of value for 1.9 billion. You guys can't actually think this was a deposit on the purchase, that is ludicrous.

I can see the headlines now. JPM senior executives, lead by jammie dimon mislead their share holders in every 10Q and 10K since 2009 by stating that they 'bought" the wamu bank and all it's assets for 1.9 billion when in reality it was only a deposit for the bank. JPM will now be paying wamu escrow holders the remaining 99% they owe them or 200 billion dollars.

The check is being drafted as we speak and every escrow holder will be a millionaires very shortly. OMG, the way some people think. lol,

Next headline, jpm shareholders sue every executive at jpm for fraud in describing the wamu deal.

Next headline, all jpm senior executive convicted of
fraud and will serve 5-50 years in jail, lead by jamie dimon, lol.

Amazing how some posters think, wow, I wonder how long before this post gets deleted. all imo lol