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08/04/15 10:17 PM

#39724 RE: Darth Trader #39721

IFUS is just getting started....Slow and steady ,with repeat orders and strong relationships with feed lots and feed stores is why IFUS will succeed.

IFUS developed a proven product.

IFUS built and designed equipment to manufacture that unique product.

IFUS tested that product and added bagging equipment.

IFUS built up an inventory of bales and bags.

IFUS is now getting orders and building long term relationships and customers with repeat business.

IFUS never was a quick fix, IFUS never was a pump and dump.

IFUS is now recovered from crooks and is moving quickly to expand selling Supreme Gold Plus bagasse.

Shareholders look forward to more updates and pr's in the future as more states, distributors ,and customers buy both product and shares in a company with an incredible future,