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Meow D itchy Kitty

08/04/15 4:26 AM

#92834 RE: shajandr #92833

Unfortunately Meow has no means and know how to help one self in this situation. Meow can only hope for a ride and a small allowance. But something is needed soon. Meow is steamed reading about how well David Foley is adjusting to prison. Showing no remorse and Promoting NTEK still while in the klink. It is a slap in the whiskers to have been defrauded by him while he was already going through the legal system for an earlier fraud. Meow could never go to rest in the litter box in the sky until at the very least the likes of Bennie Blankenship and his yes man Brad Preuss are in Prison along with David Foley. With a additional 15 years added for his part in the NTEK/NTGL scams.