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06/14/06 6:41 PM

#7732 RE: technoman #7731

Tech....we need the money! Lets hope we see it soon! Amazing how this thing slid over the past two months. That article really hurt in my opinion.


06/15/06 2:22 AM

#7741 RE: technoman #7731

Techno, why pull the trigger so soon by buying more NSOL? If there are people itching to get out, by you buying their shares all you've done is subsidize the exit price. If they believe this is just another SCAM OTCBB stock, let them get as low a price as possible and make sure the door slams them on the way out. I certainly won't miss them. Once the selling storm is over, then I'll start buying more shares; which will benefit myself and all the long term shareholders without subsidizing those who are trying to leave.

If people are too weak willed to be able to hold their shares even after all your informative posts over the months and the steady progress demonstrated by FFI management, let them sell their shares and get lost ASAP. Weak hands increase the volatility/risk of this stock. They do not deserve to participate during the next big run up -- and I promise you there will be another big run to take us to new highs before 2007 (but to sustain the higher pps, we need to get rid of the weak hands who are liable to sell within seconds of the new high rather than letting the stock base for a while up there).

The intermediate dip in the pps will benefit the long term holders by giving them better entry points and getting rid of the whiners who are easily scared by the smallest bit of bad news – and both you and I know there’s going to be plenty of bad news for this or any other development stage company regardless of how promising the end-game prospect is; so let the weak hands ride off into the sunset now at a low pps rather than in a few months at the next bad news day when we’re at a higher pps when there is more room for the pps to fall than there is today.

Thus, in a perverse way, it's better for the long-term pps to encourage the scaredy-cats to sell and hide in money market funds rather than wasting your breath trying to get them to hold on for a few more months. You'll know weak hands are gone on the day NSOL actually rises on a bad news day. That will also be the signal for major holders of this stock to double down on their core positions (any sooner than before this signal emerges and the pps would just fall back to $1 as too many people start selling again; which is why I’m keeping my powder dry rather than trying to run the pps up prematurely).