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08/02/15 10:59 PM

#10555 RE: georgejjl #10544

You beat me to it George. Back from a walk I was hoping to help change the topic to the Epilepsy indication and market. I dug up an article by the NIH or a related agency that states the same $2B market in the US alone, and also states something that will sound familiar:

"The epilepsy market has undergone many changes since 2008 with the loss of patent protection for blockbuster drugs. The global market ...,".

We are at the right place, and the right time, for two entirely different, huge markets for Anavex 273 and 273 Plus!

I am all in, but trying to figure out how to buy a few more shares tomorrow morning.

I don't have a great memory, so I get lost researching this stuff. Completely forgot some of what WW dug up... so maybe spooks some people digging it up all over again. Still others that remained doubtfull at least get to rehash it with me. What I concluded personally for my purposes after the rehash is that there may be some wrestling over how many inventors should be on the patent, but I don't believe that anyone involved is questioning who owns the patent(s), and that is ultimately all that matters to the investors.

I was surprised to learn years ago that the USPO lists all inventors at the same level. There is not a main inventor, then contributors. I think that is a mistake. It can lead to someone who is very much the main person having to share equal credit with a much lesser contributor. I have no idea if that is the case here, but my guess is that Vamvakides feels that is the case here. Again... I don't believe this has anything to do with who ultimately owns the patent, just the bragging rights... which do matter a great deal to the inventor(s).

If not transparent, I had similar issues damage my career decades ago. People trying to push me out of a great R&D job in the field of MRI so they could put their names on a patent for something I had invented and prototyped. One had even volunteered to test the device, after arguing that there was no way it could work. I was worried about letting him test it. Sure enough, he lied and said it didn't work. I knew he lied, but he was a rank above me and there was little I could do about it... until an opportunity arose a year later. The company got it's back to the wall, needing exactly the gadget I had invented. I leaked to the upper management that a possible solution lay in the R&D junk pile. The next day, there was an order to dig up the gadget. I did this without naming myself as the inventor, nor talking about the one senior engineer lying about the test results. I did it without damaging anyones career or reputation.

The device worked very well, and it eventually became part of each MRI system, but not after a battle over who invented it. The senior engineer who lied, and my boss, got together with the head of HR and re-wrote company promotional policy to force me back to school. Unkown to me at the time, they simultaneously did a patent search, and where awaiting the results.

Within a couple of months two people were hired in at a high level, counter to the company education requirements that had been shown to me. One was the friend of someone in power, and the other a relative. Both were kids with the same or less education than me, one from the same school, one from a lesser school. Neither had work, nor hobby experience. I had 4 years work experience and 8 years experience building gadgets in my garage. I lost it. I loved these guys that I worked for/with... but I wanted some asses kicked. I walked into the CEO's office and gave him a long list of problems I had solved at the company, and things I had designed. And I told him the story behind this particular device. It was a company of only 120 people and he didn't know who I was, but he knew about every gadget and problem (solved) on the list. And he had experienced similar in his career. This was unfortunate for me because he got too pissed and started firing people. People I really liked. People that we needed.

The replacement for my boss pulled the same crap within about two weeks... so after 5 years, I left. On the way out I asked the VP Engineering two things. 1) Was I on the patent application for the external magnetic field compensation device? 2) Did Siemen's make that offer for the company after you showed them, at their request, the results from that process I had recently developed (tricking existing software into calculating mag field homogeneity optimization over different shapes than we had been limited to). He told me no on both. 15 years later, with my career having gone down the tubes for causing a problem at that company, my nephew informed me that he had run across my name at the US Patent office. I was on that patent. They had apparently pulled the application when I quit and tried to replace me with one of the inner (private school) circle. But the USPS apparently would not let them change it. This based on a public record of them pulling and resubmitting the application. Then just a couple years ago I learned that my contribution had in fact put the small company over the top for a $50M offer from Siemen's. Something else that I could have bragged about over the years when searching for work.

They ruined my fkng career for doing well without a Ph.D. or private school credential. For not being a member of the circle of jerks.

I have plugged away on my own inventions over the years, during more than a decade accumulated where I was out of work. I just finally finished one gadget. Not a huge market, and almost a charity device for a disability, but their were spin-offs that will make big $ on my scale.

I now need $ to get that first product into production, to buy a cheap house so I can own a dog for the first time in my life... and who knows, as an only son, maybe even marry at this late age and have a son of my own.

Finding Anavex at this time in my life was a blessing.