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08/02/15 1:36 PM

#14957 RE: RWFZS #14954

What I would like to find is that NEAH actually completed something, anything.

Completed the merger for instance.

Sold a fuel cell for UAVs.

Sold a license to the DRDO for manufacturing fuel cells.

Sold some Buzzbar gen III suites...manufactured some, took a picture of one.

Deep DD with this company is just falling deeper into the imaginary rabbit hole. If they cannot complete the most basic things in front of them why would we try to connect future dots ?

I see the future of this company as a race against time. Either they buy something to enable them to start selling other somethings or they just start selling other somethings before bankruptcy.

Pump and dumps are netting them and their friends fractions of a penny. So those are clearly not working anymore as their credibility is completely shot. They need to re-establish a sense of credibility by actually completing something. Nothing less will help.

