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07/29/15 12:32 PM

#193895 RE: lgonber #193892


>> take Q10 to hedge the secondary effects of Crestor?

I actually posted about this on SI - turns out Q10 doesn't ameliorate statin-induced muscle myalgia:
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07/29/15 7:14 PM

#193909 RE: lgonber #193892

I just came from my vacations. So, I am well behind in everything. Therefore, my answer will be very brief.

The role of cholesterol in general and its components specifically are very poorly understood. Just because the medical community believes in something does not meat it is true. For very long time, people with stomach and duodenum ulcers were treated by milk and surgeries. It did not help patients but it did kill good many of them. Then came Tagamet and a Nobel Prize for its invention to treat ulcers. It was all wrong before scientists have identified and the research shows that most ulcers (80 percent of gastric ulcers and 90 percent of duodenal ulcers) develop as a result of infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).

As for statins, the list of damages they induce is a very long one. Specifically, a long use of statins, IMHO, is both poorly understood and/or its toxicity was deliberately hidden from the general public. After all, it is a very big business!

I do take Co Q10 200 mg daily at my cardiologist request.