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07/27/15 9:44 PM

#430477 RE: bkshadow #430462


"Why would anyone release with such clear evidence of hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of 'found money for WMI former shareholders?"

At the time of releases the assets were hidden from EC law firm, not that they would have found it, suckman and group suck...Rosencrap was the one leading the deal that assets do not exist and there is no water fall....

If with the right firm, you bet there would have been a bigger fight and yes the releases would not have been signed.....

Just think if the examiner was even aware of what to do instead of the half-a$$ job they did......

However, now we wait and see what or which it it will unfold.....Both sides read the same documents and information differently........

It is coming to an end shortly.......


07/27/15 11:36 PM

#430495 RE: bkshadow #430462

Could it all be just a part of the cover-up between all the elite parties involved?..... Where the govt promises to make things right, therefore not allowing the FDIC to be released, thus keeping this out of the headlines and with no 3rd party suits.

Can we really blame JPM for taking ALL/Some of the assets? It is the receiver's fiduciary duty to get fair value for the assets conveyed, as well as convey only assets from the failed bank and not the Holding Co.