Dok, this is a made up issue, a message board fantasy concept by people with too much time on their hands. There is no patent dispute. Our Author has no evidence, and no legal training on this issue. His article is good, but once ealier wedded to his idea, he failed to disregard it. NO evidence. No need for a signature. no dispute. No evidence that dr. V. has ever been approached as there is no need to approach him. His employment paperwork was done in conformity with the law. He was not A BABE IN THE WOODS signing a credit card form agreement, like a 17 year old kid applying for mastercard.
Also, we now have a world class patent lawyer in this area on our BOD, which is a nice touch at most. This person or titled person was a hole on our BOD. We are a science company. Many (most?) feature a patent lawyer prominently as a consultant or even here a BOD member. I could give 20 companies out who have such a person listed with management.
frustrating for me. Missling obviously is repeating what he has been told, which is both simple, logical and in conformity with the Law, which our CEO was acting appropriately under anyway.
It is kind of like a message board person telling a nuclear scientist how to handle his nuclear materials, while the MB person has NO more credentials than a shoeshine boy.
our CEO is not free to disregard the current obligations under the undisputed contract, by tossing the inventor a few million to be a good guy. Money is a corporate asset which our CEO is not free to "subjectively" disperse willy nilly.