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07/25/15 12:43 PM

#148776 RE: es1 #148772

Well then, it does appear you have two choices, sell and move on or stick this out and see how it plays out.

I have called the company and talked to reputable sources. I know for a fact what Scott holds and what his family holds. I know that many of the actions taken were taken prior to what is known now and know that the majority block has a different opinion now than then.

I don't think it serves a lot of good here to try and convince people of anything positive or negative because all people have an agenda including you. I trust my own DD, my own contacts, and have invested here for the long term. I wonder how many people here have actually done individual DD and actually called or written the company. I know you did at least once why not again?

I continue to know the rocks are in the ground and one of these days the potential value will be achieved and I will be here when that happens. Until then I won't fearmonger, I won't talk negative about one of my investments, I won't try to establish myself as a friend trying to help others when the reality is I am doing what is best for me.

I see people for who they are so they don't fool me. There are no friends here although I do trust some more than others.


07/25/15 4:31 PM

#148783 RE: es1 #148772

Give me 1 good reason why insiders are not reporting their holdings
Could it just perhaps be that since Sarissa (SRSR ) is a pink sheet stock, they do not have all the reporting requirements of a big board company....but hey, you already knew that.