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07/23/15 10:55 PM

#20841 RE: Darius Demian #20840

Re : NDP affect on MMPR Industry

My previous post on this board (# -19829 Re: Fall Federal Elections )and
(# -19834 ABC VOTE)

Yesterday Sean O'Malley also opened the topic in the National Post with this article :

Summer of The Joint.

My opinion on the NDP re: MMPR is this; an NDP Government on the surface would seem much more favorable for MMPR industry because the party rhetoric is not so Ideological as the conservative "Not a Medicine", "No Evidence", approach. I believe the dialogue between industry and an NDP Government will have a much more sensible approach.

My personal caution with NDP is the party leader Mr Mulcair. He has been very quiet on the issue of legalization and regulation for recreational use, and I think that's a definite political play, trying to field middle ground between Con and Lib voters. It reeks dishonesty in political approach and looks like a snake under the grass. I imagine an NDP Government sitting on the issue if they form Government 2015 and try using it as a re- election topic five years later 2020.

Either way, an ABC (Anyone But Conservative) Government may still be an improvement for the industry. My main concern is that an ABC Vote will split the electorate and quite possibly re-elect the cons...and the Industry remains status quo, No progress without long drawn out supreme court cases and anti cannabis propaganda paid for by your and my pro cannabis tax dollars.


07/24/15 7:32 AM

#20846 RE: Darius Demian #20840

Thomas Muclair has been very quiet on the issue


Thomas Mulcair statement on cannabis & drug policy

CMA opposes smoking pot, Mulcair calls it a personal choice

NDP clarifies Mulcair stance on marijuana

You get the picture?