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07/23/15 4:38 PM

#347 RE: Pro-Life #346

3 million + block sell trades after hours, looks like someone might be trying to cover?

Miracleman 1

07/23/15 9:15 PM

#348 RE: Pro-Life #346

Great post....On point...specific...yes this will hike and continue as the refiners' 10-yr peak in shortage will drive price.


07/24/15 2:42 PM

#356 RE: Pro-Life #346

On point... again... Gold And Silver Shortages Become Acute

Here’s what blatant manipulation of any market looks like

Another conspiracy? Just a suggestion, but you might want to read up on the relationship of gold to the USD.

The USD has been going up (e.g. EUR/USD), and the entire commodities sector is being slammed. Doesn't matter if it's gold, oil, or base metals. The paper contracts are being sold off. Why?...

Because the USD has some more running room to go up. All the Fed has to do is raise rates. The exact opposite of what all the other central banks are doing. The other global macros affecting commodities aren't anything to cheer about either. Hedgie Bob and the boyz have been rotating out of the commodity sector over to playing the USD in the Forex trades. Lack of demand, and selling pressure for commodity contracts, means falling prices for commodities. Especially gold.

If one wants to consider it all a conspiracy, then keep fighting the boyz. More blood to come, before it clots.