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07/19/15 11:37 PM

#91913 RE: pitts77h #91911

It is OTCMarkets. They are not a regulator, so companies can put whatever they want (or, more accurately leave out whatever they want( in these so-called "financial statements" which are prepared and presented in a very haphazard and non-compliant manner. There are no standards. If they were an SEC registrant they would have to disclose that information.

Taking a quick look at the "financial statements", they are the usual OTC joke. Not GAAP compliant, of course. The Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity is especially ridiculous and whoever compiled it clearly does not understand what it means. Another fine example of why no one should rely upon any information "filed" with OTCMarkets. This is par for the course for OTCMarkets "filers" who are much more interested in "filing" to promote the stock than actually providing worthwhile and accurate disclosure. If they were really interested in providing information to investors they would be an SEC registrant. But this company deregistered in 2005 - only 1 reason for that. It makes it easier to lie and pump the stock.

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07/20/15 2:16 AM

#91922 RE: pitts77h #91911

NGCG - that's a huge red flag that they won't disclose who got that stock. You highlighted it in the right color. That was over $4,000,000 worth of stock issued for no cost (services rendered).

That isn't the only immediate red flag I saw when I took a quick look at NGCG.

Red Flag #2 is Andrew Coldicutt their attorney. Andrew Coldicutt was pretty closely associated with Luis Carrillo and has been involved in lots of pump&dump tickers. Coldicutt was the attorney that helped Gregg Mulholland run his money laundering share selling scheme through VLNX. VLNX also hid who owned all of the stock in that ticker until it came out later in the SEC complaint that it was Gregg Mulholland.

Andrew Coldicutt also helped Mulholland and/or others run money laundering share selling scams on CDOI and PWEI. VLNX, CDOI, and PWEI were all promoted by Awesome Penny Stocks.

Getting involved in penny stock scams runs in his family. Andrew Coldicutt's parents were busted by the SEC for running a shell factory scheme

Red Flag #3 is that NGCG is a repeat reverse split offender that goes through a name/symbol change every few years to start over again as a share selling scheme. In other words its a dirty shell with a dirty history.

Red Flag #4 is its Toxic Debt situation. The Issuer had a very toxic $200,0000 debt note on its books that got converted into 134,204,000 free trading shares ($.0015/share) this year. That's a conversion price of $.0015/share when the stock was trading at over $.01/share on the market (around a 90% discount to the market price). The filings do not tell us who owned the debt Note but they do tell us that a law suit was filed in Broward County, Florida to get the court decision needed to immediately convert the debt into free trading stock. That law suit was filed by Mark E Fisher, Ruben Macedo, and Pamela Ruppert.

The attorney they used was Stuart Reed who works for Laura Anthony at Legal & Compliance. Laura Anthony is husband to Michael Anthony (fka Michael Pollaccia). Pollaccia is a long time shell hijacker that formerly worked as a broker before his broker record got so bad he was no longer able to continue acting as a broker. Laura Anthony does legal work for dozens of dirty pink sheet companies. The couple conducts business as if they have a free pass.

Pamela Ruppert filed lawsuits on three separate occasions between November of 2014 and April of 2015 to get free trading stock for debt in NGCG.

Ruben Macendo has been involved in a few other penny stocks as a Note holder receiving free trading stock. Some of those stock issuances resulted in small low level paid promotions to help with the dumping of the stock into the market.

Mark E Fisher is an attorney. He has also recently been involved in toxic debt law suits against IMUN and LATF.

The most interesting lawsuit I found in Broward County involving Mark E Fisher was when he was sued along with Wilson Davis (dirty market maker WDCO) in January of 2014 by none other than Eddie Marin, the "Spam King".

Mark Fisher had previously represented Eddie's wife, Kimberly Marin, in a couple of civil suits.

The case got dismissed possibly because Marin landing himself another prison sentence in March of 2014 for his involvement in a jewelry heist.

Besides Marin's new problems with the jewelry heist and problems with the email spam stuff he also has a 1990 trafficking conviction that landed him in prison for 57 months and a money laundering case in 2000 that got him a one-year sentence.

In December of 2013 Marin was also arrested and charged along with more than a dozen others for selling bogus stock in Green LED Technology LLC and Helix Wind Inc in 2009 and siphoning about $4 million in a nationwide scam that extended to Canada.

Eddie Marin and Mark Fisher go way back. In 2009 they were both share holders together in scam ticker HSCO (Michael Zoyes, Peter Ruggeri, and Dror Svorai). In fact, the $4 million share selling scheme ties directly into HSCO. In 2009 HSCO acquired a company called Green LED Technology Inc and then soon after began receiving phone calls from investors saying they had purchased stock in Green LED Technology LLC (a subsidiary which was absorbed by Green LED Technology Inc). Zoyes and Svorai questioned Eddie Marin and the HSCO attorney, Mark Fisher, about the phone calls and they both denied having any knowledge of the situation. Turns out that at least Eddie Marin was involved.

Red Flag #5 is NGCG's dirty IR firm - Atlanta Capital Partners LLC

I don't have time right now to look into NGCG's history or anything else going on there - just saw the name Andrew Coldicutt involved and it threw up some major red flags then saw Laura Anthony's law firm and Mark Fisher involved in the debt Note court proceedings and it threw up even more red flags.