wow DGDW, I only have 27k total in NWBO shares invested with most in 2017 deep in the money call options. my cost basis is now under $100k and the most I have had as a cost basis in NWBO (just an arbitrary decision) is $150k and that was earlier this year in January. At that point I was extremely over-weight in my high-risk portfolio so I sold many of my shares in the next couple of months to get back to just an over-weight position. I have had many discussions with my self as to whether I should sell some of my options to get to a free ride situation but every time I decided to hold because I believed the share price for NWBO was still undervalued compared to any other investment I have come across and still feel the same. I have been rewarded for my decision to hold. I still have a high risk portfolios with NWBO as my largest position but I am always looking to maximize the rest of my portfolio with near term catalysts for companies that I feel are deserving of a long term position. At this point I don't consider NWBO a high risk stock but it is in my high risk portflios but I just don't trade it anymore. my high risk risk portfolios non-NWBO have the same amount to trade without counting NWBO so why trade in NWBO.