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07/17/15 12:04 PM

#429171 RE: Boris the Spider #429081

So, if we're close, when will my Escrows being seeing the large numbers you guys are expecting? That's a legitimate question. Will it be next year or the year after etc?

Now what I can say, is I believe the increase in volume of WMIH is contributed to WMIH selling the,setaside equity shares they received back from D&O settlement. Last week we had the 1 million volume day, which barely moved the needle, but yesterday proved the theory closer to being correct

LTI's can not be paid with shares, those shares have to be converted to cash and those funds returned to the holders. Also, I expect the PIERS to be satisfied and something to flow to holders from the D&O pool. Soon. Real soon the 8-k is coming.

However, I do not expect anything significant from the LTI's. We have no lawsuits pending. We do have future taxes to be returned, but it is miniscule in comparsion to the BILLIONS the escrow lovers seem to spout off everyday. Until I see evidence of such, I will err on the side of caution
