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07/16/15 11:08 AM

#428996 RE: AZCowboy #428990

AZ, your outline is "spot on" correct in my view. There has NEVER been any doubt what-so-ever in my mind what the BIG MONEY players were after when the tried oh so very hard to zero out equity in their quest.

I have said for years to follow the BIG MONEY players and this was way BEFORE they did show up. There are even LARGER money players that actually showed up than I planned on years ago.

I also talked about there would NEVER be any third party suits by Susman not including D&Os and this too was way BEFORE Susman confirmed there would be no third party suits. Now ANYBODY that has done ANY type of diligence or research would know that for him not to find something to sue a third party over, well there must be something more like a FUTURE deal that would have been agreed to in the two month totally "closed door" mediation. Nothing these people agreed to in mediation can EVER be used in court, future emails, discussion or any future relevance period.

So to think Rosie and the original Piers Planners were ONLY after tax attributes in a fifty cent shell company that (not me) many said could never work is totally laughable at best. Especially, when one considers these same people risked their licenses, standing in society, potential conviction, potential loss of claim and also potentially prison time after the court basically found them guilty (colored) due to insider trading.

AZ, yes, WaMu had this all planned well before the seizure and yes, we know for a fact that Weil, Gotschal and Manges was on WaMu's property weeks ahead of the seizure and bankruptcy filing, so what does one really believe WaMu was orchestrating and/or planning? This is not to challenging to understand.

I would like to thank you AZCowboy for all of your due diligence, fact finding and sharing your knowledge with our worldwide group here as MOST certainly appreciate your work as I do.

I may have forgotten to ask one question.

Have I told you lately how much more, more, more and more I love my Escrow Shares/Markers?


07/16/15 12:07 PM

#429004 RE: AZCowboy #428990

Huh! Did you forget that WMIH just completed a merger into their own wholly-owned sub known as WMIIC.

They have publicly filed 3 years in a row now, that WMIIC has no assets they were liquidated in conjunction with the POR.

So, basically the WMIH shell merged into the WMIIC shell to incorporate into Del as a requirement of the Series B Preferred contract.

Yes, we will see a couple of 8-K's this month.

1. WMILT has given WMIH 8.3Million as their part of the D&O settlement.

2. WMILT will release the setaside equity shares of WMIH as part of the D&O settlement. Not sure how they will handle these.

3. As a term of series B, the S3 registration has been consummated. This is reg of the WMIH securities that are the conversion shares.

4. Upon reincorp into Del, the Escrow agent is allowed to issue 8.25M and 5.5M into WMIH account.

So 8.3 + 8.25+ 5.5 = 22M. That has been deposited into WMIH bank account in the last month. That's some nice cash for a shell!

Here's the link to the escrow agreement.

I encourage all to read it, it gives you an insight to what the Series B (that is Senior to equity) is all about.


So 8