I completely agree with you on the product itself. My concern is the business model, which is in many ways as important. Going national doesn't make sense right now, going international didn't make sense at this stage either, along with buying a distribution company IMO. The company should be focusing on Southern California and advertising and promoting the product there to work within our budget and increase brand awareness and revenues to a sustainable level before going elsewhere.
Putting the product on store shelves is simply not enough to make it sell a new product, especially in England, if it's a new type of product. Further the company took out another note in June and already had $2 million outstanding on the LOC already as of the end of the last quarter. How are we going to continue finance our great product? If there are answers, I'd just really like to know, as our share structure is maxed out and shares are supposedly going to treasury since April but it's now July with only a new note being out there.