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06/10/06 2:46 PM

#28302 RE: firstclassnewbie #28300

no sir you are correct in your current sentiment/judgement. yet even more continued reasons to highly ? tim huff and globetel communications. i can now after 3 years see why people aka scum like seth and byron would be so tempted to twist to the negative side on such a "too good to be true" technology company. believe me i had several "gte's" back in 1999 (ie: palm wannabees, networjers, .com's, etc...). these stox back then ran 1000%+ on great anticipation and premature optimism alone. to conclude all of those co's went under some 12-18 months later -pit


06/10/06 3:39 PM

#28310 RE: firstclassnewbie #28300

My honest reaction is this. Huff forgot which month he was in for the interview. You can't believe how many engineers and techies lose track of time, days and months when extremely focused on a task.

Not an excuse..

Just a reality.

Personally, I thought it was a terrific interview for an engineer.

And we learned some new goals and targets.

Oh, and the REALLY big news was NO DILUTION needed for next 12 months to finance current operations.

M start speculating why they need the 100MM shares to AS. I have my own opinion, but will sit on it.


06/11/06 8:05 AM

#28353 RE: firstclassnewbie #28300

Nothing is wrong, if you ever spoke in front of a crowd or had an interview you would understand. He did fine, the company is fine, its market is growing, the strat will fly, he is watching his spending. I would like to see anyone here fill his shoes, not making excuses for any floundering, but he is not perfect. only hope he continues to not throw money at something to get it done, not ours or any one elses money. I dont specifically like the way the outstanding shares are given to board, that's not a perfect world either.


06/12/06 8:14 AM

#28403 RE: firstclassnewbie #28300

It finally hit me. Tim was reading from a cheatsheet or other text that was prepared some time ago and it didn't occur to him that it needed an updating until he read right through the words and then he said to himself, "Hey, that ain't right" and clumsily backed up and corrected himself. JMHO.