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07/09/15 4:59 PM

#242852 RE: aleajactaest #242851

Alea: The simple fact is, any backdoor whatsoever, no matter how complicated the key--will be an entrance point for every hacker worth his salt to find the backdoor in--and they will.

IMO, you either have absolute privacy, or none. Let the bad guys know there is a way in and they will hunt until they find it.

But, IMO, the Feds & Intelligence minions will always browbeat, intimidate, or bribe Congress to do their will. Always. Like Law of Gravity. You drop an egg on hard surface, it breaks...always, no exceptions (without tricks like boiled eggs, hyper-energy absorbing surfaces, etc.)

Wave's problem, IMO, is far more simple than an argument over security. Wave can not sell its products, despite sales folks traipsing all over the Globe, milking Peter's old contacts and regularly whipping the sales guys unmercifully.

Back door/front door--not the issue with Wave, IMO. Wave has to prove a. it has a useful product that b. solves a problem in an economical and efficient way. Wave has done neither over a truly extended time.

Furthermore, Wave's exhausted sales corps are ordered by clueless executive superiors to pursue the fleeing enterprises just as they head away from smart cards and tokens. It is the wrong strategy at the wrongest possible time for the company and its beleaguered shareholders...

And we can all see the results of such a strategy if it can be called that.

Otherwise, I agree with your argument about secrecy/privacy.
