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07/03/15 1:29 PM

#38489 RE: PEACHMAN #38484

The truth is

The 21 day countdown is moving along.I too do not think Steve (ex-IFUS-SE director) thinks this is silly.The head attorney for STEVE was the only atty at a basic deposition a week ago, I do not think he thinks it is silly either.

I will have a another laugh when the video shows how much MARC has accomplished.

Too bad STEVE didn't just let MARC build the company and collect shares in Supreme Energy. The business plan was scheduled to make 3.5 million and STEVE legally could have received many shares. Unfortunately, he wanted the shells, the entire company, IFUS too, and he wanted to screw shareholders like he did with Iach.


07/03/15 4:05 PM

#38492 RE: PEACHMAN #38484

Clearly, the counterclaim was filed ONLY because MW's attorney told him if he didn't do so, the judge would enter a summary judgment. If there was any validity to any of the IFUS claims, MW/RW would have filed suit before Energy Supreme, LLC filed suit.

I hear MW lost 15 lbs. from sweating during his eight hour deposition. He's toast and stale toast at that. His counterclaim and now defunct phony countersuit are laughable. But, they did buy him time and kept many off his back. I should think he now has the time necessary to get his passport in order.