No, I don't. But they are calling it "Liquid Metal"...two it could be challenged as a coprywrite
infringement.....but what it really does, it puts such a metal....and it is a type of liquid metal, if its puts the name out, with a phone that is NOT apples....I can imagine many at apple are shocked....we thought APPLE would have a big ta doo...introducing a LIquid Metal case on a phone...
That "to do" has been taken away....the fanfare will be much degraded...but its going to get more rumors working.....that now APPLE HAS to bring out a LIQUIDMETAL PHONE.....before SAMSUNG ALSO beats them to the punch....with maybe a different combination of metals....but may still be stronger
than whats now used....
I think APPLE is feeling like it has a big black eye right now....and tomorrow that news will spread even further....if true...and it seems it is....
THE RACE IS NOW RED HOT....which should positively effect our PPS...just on speculation....