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07/01/15 7:22 PM

#242754 RE: player1234 #242753

the surprising thing is that the one thing i thought he'd do well was figuring if customers were likely to buy the product.

if he can't sell the product or judge if it is likely to sell, he hasn't really got the core strengths i anticipated.

does wave have any direction it can turn?

there aren't any obvious ones. maybe it can become a software development unit within micron or some other outfit.

but without sales, wave has very little negotiating strength.


07/01/15 8:28 PM

#242756 RE: player1234 #242753

Thx Player, other than Wave I don't have investments in micro caps thus was not aware of that nuance - vis a vis Nas delisting/extensions - maket cap/ SP. I am aware that some tax loss can be carried. Certainly the IP has value to a Co, in particular to one that could enforce infringment. W/o a Euro deal or something big, quick - Wave is in real jepordy needing to find a buyer. Further dillution seems fruitless. Bankrupcy won't help as they have no debt and they can delay payables -other than payroll & payroll related- but that won't help. We agree, they need big sales now or....