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06/23/15 10:53 PM

#224399 RE: cheynew #224368


So based on what I read the issue of liability is not over yet. The partial summary has reduced the elements to be considered in the summation of that liability reducing the amount.

Anybody else understand it that way?


The purpose of summary judgment is to avoid unnecessary trials. It may also simplify a trial, as when partial summary judgment dispenses with certain issues or claims. For example, a court might grant partial summary judgment in a personal injury case on the issue of liability. A trial would still be necessary to determine the amount of damages.
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06/24/15 6:25 AM

#224418 RE: cheynew #224368

Cloaked Protector - this says it all:

Although Peregrine now argues that Bleecker’s tortious acts were intentional, the claims that Peregrine has chosen to pursue do not reflect such intentionality. Prevailing on each of its tort claims—negligence, negligence per se, negligent misrepresentation, and constructive fraud—does not require Peregrine to prove that Bleecker’s and/or CSM’s acts were intentional.

Thus, if those claims proceeded to trial, the trier of fact could rationally conclude that CSM’s act of switching the labels was completely accidental and yet adjudge CSM liable for Peregrine’s tort claims. Had Peregrine elected to plead an intentional tort, a trier of fact would not be able to so find, and Peregrine’s intentional tort claims may have survived a challenge based on the economic loss rule. In sum, because Peregrine’s tort claims—its second through fifth causes of action—are not based on a recognizable, independent legal duty, the Court concludes that they are barred by the economic loss rule and that Peregrine’s remedies are properly limited to bargain-of-the benefit damages obtainable through its breach of contract claim.

I thought everything was proved in the testimony that the acts were intentional?

But this was just a distraction, at least they can still recover damages.