I fail to see how they can recover what got damaged the most:
(1) Reputation (2) Shareholder Value (3) Lost Income from delayed commercialization (4) Shareholder value (5) Additional cost to run larger stuy (6) Shareholder value
The court accepts Motion for Partial Summary Judgment because PPHM has not filed for ANY deeds that needs the prove of 'intention'. That would have happened at the trial, but since there is no need for intention because CSM/Bleecker admitted to the label switching the economic loss doctrine applies.
In short: CSM says we admitted to the label switching and PPHM didn't file for anything that needs to prove 'intention' so a partial summary judgement is at order, why loose money to prove intention if in any case, even if proven to be intentional, it will not make a difference and it would cost extra to both parties.
And the court says (two examples):
In other words PPHM pursue's CSM for things where the pure fact suffices, no need to explain WHY that fact occurred. The above does NOT say it was accidental and not intentional, it says even if it was intentional it doesn't matter.
And you say:
Yes, it was, Jeff Masten's investigation made it surface he said it could NOT be done by accident. And PPHM had this prove of INTENTION from Jeff Masten on and about Sept 20th 2012, so BEFORE they filed the lawsuit with CSM.
But the court now says, I don't care if it was intentional or not because you (PPHM) didn't file for anything that needs to be intentional and CSM/Bleecker agreed that they did the dose swicthing so lets not throw money away to start prove 'intentional' on a trial (economic loss doctrine).
So yes, PPHM had/has prove of intend but they or their lawyers made the mistake of not FROM THE VERY BEGINNING (that is when I and some others started to posts about the sabotage and the intentional part) file claims accordingly. They needed to know what the woman was thinking before they could call it sabotage. LOL.
But for CSM this is a PYRUS victory! The judge DID NOT limit damages in case of constructed fraud in the previous leg and now grants summary judgement saying that there is NO NEED TO PROVE intend for any of PPHM's claims (incl. constructive fraud) to be right, just proving the facts will suffice. So what follows is going to be a walk in the park for PPHM and NO LIMITS on damages. However, those behind JB may be off the hook as intend is of the hook, at least in this trial.