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06/21/15 10:13 PM

#61446 RE: peterjames8 #61444

Good strong honest intelligent post regarding MSI. Made me go back and read some of your other posts!
Even more good strong honest intelligent posts!


06/21/15 10:17 PM

#61449 RE: peterjames8 #61444

You maybe correct about today's functional ability but look at Carmel Perry's recent post #61437 about the Neurosky Mindwave.It sure looks like the sky is the limit for BCI devices. And yes the Neurosky will use the same platform as Mindwave. I tested one of the first car phones in the country back in the early eighties.You know the one that eventually became today's cell phones. My first car phone dropped calls constantly because of the lack of cell towers. I'm glad that you weren't running the test back then in that the modern cell phone would not exist today without forward thinking.


06/23/15 11:08 AM

#61494 RE: peterjames8 #61444

The product will be a disappointment, but there is nothing behind it but a stock selling scam. That's all this is here. I challenge the management to prove me wrong. They are holding the cards to close to chest after all this time and to me its spells FRAUD. Nothing more. Anyone here who thinks this product can change the world with BCI technology is up for some rude awakening. At that point the stock will be worthless!