Excellent post.
Although you own/run a software company, I would not expect you to "...write software in all programming languages? ...for all industries?"
I would however expect you not to give me a SHM in DOS only format. Maybe not the best example but we can agree to disagree.
What I like about your post and links is that they show the availability and options out there as well as the drawbacks and/or issues that come with this type of media. Obviously researched or just learned on the job given your industry but very informative either way.
I suppose we are dealing with expectations. I expect that since we are in the sales and marketing cycle now that we take every opportunity to do so and with the utmost level of urgency.
Can anyone give me an example of marketing for the VozBrasil and rollout other than the pr? Has anyone living in South Florida or Brazil or have contacts there that could say if they have seen or heard any advertising (tv,radio,billboard,newspaper,webads etc.)? These services ARE up and running.