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06/15/15 10:34 AM

#345668 RE: mretgnol #345667

Wasn't Treffry one of the first to start pushing Dinar?

A couple months ago I was at a party and a guy I give some credit to for being fairly intelligent, and we're discussing investments and he says, "ya know what you need to load up on? It's Iraqi Dinar! I hear that market is about to take off"!

I about fell out of my chair. It always amazes me when I hear someone talking in the real world about one of the stupid schemes you read about on Ihub.
I still remember the day I was standing in a line behind Gerry Seeney and listened to him rant about getting his CMKX shares. I had to stifle laughter......OK, I confess, I didn't stifle my laughter.

I also recall the time I was reading an investment book and they used CMKX as an example of how stock fraud works. The only thing better would have been had they mentioned willy wizard by name.


06/15/15 10:40 AM

#345670 RE: mretgnol #345667

OK, I see you added the stuff about Treffry. Good! I hope the SEC is going after him.
He was the first I heard ever mention it. My first thought was where could he possibly going with this new scam? I mean the Dinar?? No way even the dumbest of dumb would buy into that. Lo and behold. I am almost always astounded by the level of stupid.