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06/13/15 7:42 PM

#36379 RE: Ready4bluesky #36372

The burden of proof is on someone raising an issue.

That would be you.

But as a courtesy, I'll take a stab at proving it as much as someone without direct knowledge of the trial can:

DCVax L and DCVax Direct target all tumor antigens.

IMUC had a product that targeted a short list of specific tumor antigens.

With IMUC, cherry picking patients was both possible and quite useful (provided honest results weren't important, for whatever reason).

With DCVax cherry picking patients will yield you little if it is even possible.

The only cherry picking NWBO should do and explicitly so, is that DCVax patients should have a functioning immune system.

You cannot fairly be expected to activate something that isn't there.

Remember that many products are not meant for patients with compromised immune systems.

These products they still get approved without having to prove they work on patients they aren't meant to be used on.

That's why you get all the disclaimers on certain drugs saying you can't use them if you have a bad immune system. Usually this is a safety issue, but sometimes it may an efficacy issue as well.