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06/10/15 5:25 PM

#45332 RE: Amanita #45331


cdex HAD NO MONEY. What did they have?? An IMAGINARY G4.

And a bunch of creditors needing to be paid. Normal result?? BK!

Here come the PEMCO/OIL PATCHERS. Get ridda them dang CREDITORs and Us-uns will furnish yall some operating money. We bleeve that the G4 might work and save us from losing all value offen them piles of CDEX shares we have got. Do a chap 11 if you hafta. You can propose a recovery plan and promise that the G4 will make all prosperous.

So the CEO, who had already hired him a BK lawyer with money furnished by the DOC (50 K) as a retainer went to the crediors and tole them the tale. The Creditors who had already seen that they were not gonna get anything unless CDEX got ahold of some money had nought to lose but MAYBE to gain went along.

Three (who well knew that the G4 was naught more than a pipe dream) said NAW. Pay us off. We got money coming. Bring it on PDQ.

They had good reason not to trust CDEX to market anything. Based on their knowledge of CDEX and the CEO.

Subsequent events have proven them right.

So now CDEX is needing more money. Who are they gonna get it from? I have not noticed that the PEMCO/OIL PATCHERS are rushing in to furnish more money lately. And have allowed their last fake loan to go by w/o foreclosing.

Wonder why that is???


06/11/15 10:05 AM

#45343 RE: Amanita #45331


You sure know Dr. Poteet well???

Did you remember where you found Dr. Poteet's letter to the CEO Mp yet.