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06/02/15 1:35 AM

#38223 RE: Greener #38175

I don't necessarily agree with you but it's more of a philosophical difference (regarding losing $). No one ever lost money by selling, only missed out on potential gains.

My irritation is really with the fact that the apparent strategy with MVTG seems to be over promise and under deliver when it comes to time tables and shareholder updates. They have pretty consistently missed every time table they've laid out for ERC deployment and were well behind the original schedule on the MRFC. That's frustrating to me because the company created those expectations of their own free will and then consistently fails to meet them. It's not an unreasonable to thing for a shareholder to expect that if the company says they will do something by x date, then when that date comes and goes they expect an update. It is our money that the company is safe guarding after all.

The fact of the matter is no one is putting a sustainable $100 - $200 million valuation ($1 to $2/share because we have to assume we'll be diluted at least to the 100 million share range) on MVTG with no revenues, let alone with no marketable product and really no hard proof of a scaled up industrial process ready to go. As someone whose spent the last decade working for and around hedge funds I feel pretty confident in that statement. It was nice to see them finally complete one of the two pilots in the MRFC but if anyone thinks a 300 watt output and a few hundred meters of range is close to a competitive product they are fooling themself. Competing electric ebikes run in the 500-750 watt range and have ranges running into the tens of miles.

MVTG is at a critical point here where it needs to start showing it can take these great scientific processes and ideads and make something salable out of it. I'm still hopeful my 4 years of faith pays off.