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05/29/15 4:46 PM

#35140 RE: Ready4bluesky #35138

Once Woodford put in $80+ MM into NWBO, it has become clear that neither side (long/short) has an information advantage. It is just a matter of risk, comfort, and willingness to believe in one's own assumptions that will dictate each individual's actions.

In the unlikely event other large institutional funds with short positions "knows" something else, then the next question is if that additional information is even relevant and could impact stock price.

On the other side of the coin, if there is some information out there that is RELEVANT and IMPACTFUL, Woodford should've uncovered and assessed it into their overall risk profile before making the most recent $40 MM of the $80+ MM investment into NWBO. (That is unless Woodford has been extremely lucky in past investments and has no skill in conducting proper due diligence ...)

Thus, I don't find these numbers troubling at all. This rise in shorted shares can be explained away by a number of items:
- Previous short positions could be hedged by warrants / calls
- New short positions are short term technical trades (hitting a critical resistance point), or valuation trades, etc.

Doc x 4

05/29/15 4:50 PM

#35141 RE: Ready4bluesky #35138

If you were in any business of anykind, and a big fish, you know whats going on in that certain business,
Big boys, are usually right, unless!!!! Its fixing to ruin there 50 billion follar a year business, they dont want that happening, that is our shorts! Said that over a year ago. They will lose
Billions upon billions, if it gets good results, and there not gonna sell so there pissed.. And scared, at same time


05/30/15 8:23 AM

#35157 RE: Ready4bluesky #35138

It's about what the shorts don't know.

The shorts are probably hoping that NWBO is just over-promising and under-delivering again and that the new data will disappoint longs and receive a ho-hum from the markets.

But that is just a hope based upon past history not knowledge.

I think they're afraid that this time is different.

Remember, that this announcement with less than a week's notice left shorts in a bind.

If the shorts tried to close their positions too quickly they would precipitate the very price spike and short squeeze they were trying to avoid.

Thus they confined their efforts to price manipulation on the edges.

If they're right and the NWBO new data reveal fizzles, well then they contained the damage that a run-up on the rumor would have caused.

If they're wrong, they're just as out of luck either way and all they did was determine when the inevitable short squeeze would happen.