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terry hallinan

05/28/15 10:54 PM

#16024 RE: Richard_LaRiv #16023

LaRiv, SixShot;

Excellent article!

Goody. When do we start?

That chess story has not improved one seed since it was wheat being exponentiated.

Comparing the computer playing chess to human games is like comparing throwing a spear to hurling an intercontinental ballistic missile.

All have human intelligence - and cheating - behind them. What is not often recognized in chess is that computers remain strategic morons despite the tactical brilliance. That fact was used tellingly, along reputedly with considerable cheating as well as psychological pressure, for Big Blue to beat Kasparov. Kasparov, a tactical genius tried to play a strategic game like Karpov and thus played like a fish out of water.

We used to talk about comparisons of computer and human vision in the same vein. Human vision is ludicrously weak compared to all manner of mechanical vision but parallel processing......

Need I go on?

Best, Terry