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Kobe Ginobili

05/28/15 5:44 AM

#3686199 RE: willtopol #3686186

Virgil G Williams/Virgil Williams mentions 7-10 days for "this all to be sorted out" approximately 2 days ago yet what is stopping it from being sorted out now vs. another 5-8 days in the future? Interestingly Virgil picked up the phone Tuesday after a solid three days of no response by text or phone calls and I am talking literally at least 100 phone calls in that period where I knew he was on the phone as it rang 3x then VM, then once then VM etc. Perhaps he chose to pickup the phone once he saw he was becoming internet famous ie word getting out via defrauded investors. Must say the date of Michael Osborn ie Tom Furlong going silent on the 12th matches up well to him being picked up on the 13th. Alexandre Scheer is actually the one that signed off on the Non Circumvent Agreement (obvious superseded by explicit fraud and theft of funds), in addition to the first note undertaken an MSPC Deal Summary Sheet plus an Equity Partner Agreement. Wonder what prompted Scheer to thus step down from signing off on documents ie Michael Osborn signing by"S Osborn" with a voicemail that incidentally said "this is Michael" (has since been removed) thus stepped into the picture. Michael Osborn ie Tom Furlong stated that Virgil had physically met with him in NY would say its been about 5-6 weeks approximately now.

I have 2 instances of Michael Osborn ie Tom Furlong stating "Trade blotter" verbally to me of which he never supplied yet also shows that exact term in the link below. Hence just another confirmation that Tom Furlong (who you can see on hotstocked emails still in search engines) was a fake name front for Michael Osborn.

Michael Osborn facing some SERIOUS CHARGES (multiple counts of wire fraud + money laundering) especially since he served time in prison not too long ago. Top off for all apparent measures was a FAST MOVING PONZI with MAJOR WIRE FRAUD CHARGES LOOMING and wouldn't be surprised to see some more MONEY LAUNDERING CHARGES tossed in there. In addition this whole scheme centered around securities ie seasoned aged debt to be converted to free trading stock and sold for a profit. One can only guess how many decades will have to be served upon him facing charges for this very fresh scheme (how many wires were sent in this time to their Peoples Choice Bank Account out of Connecticut)???. If I had to guess would say 30-50yrs however that might even be on the LIGHT SIDE given he said with an air of arrogance prior in his voice they have over 600 equity partners/investors.

Alexandre Scheer scam, Alexandre Scheer ripoff, Alexandre Sheer fraud
Michael Osborn scam, Michael Osborn ripoff, Michael Osborn fraud
Virgil G Williams scam, Virgil G Williams fraud, Virgil G Williams ripoff
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Kobe Ginobili

05/28/15 6:00 AM

#3686202 RE: willtopol #3686186

also have to keep in mind that this whole scheme essentially cratered recently ie right around the 12th-13th when Michael Osborn/Tom Furlong went silent so more and more defrauded investors will do their own search and see the ripoff and scam articles thus leading them to get real on the situation and take MASSIVE ACTION.

Virgil Williams REFUSED to name the person at the office that told him "Michael Furlongs mother was ill" on May 12th when Tom ie Michael Osborn failed to respond to calls/emails repeatedly which at that time was far outside his trend.

Virgil G Williams REFUSES to provide the name of the attorney he stated before sending his last email blast to equity partners that will be handling the situation ie disbursements from this junction.

Virgil G Williams was just a little surprised when I advised him I heard he had seen Tom ie Michael Osborn in New York

Virgil G Williams first stated to me that "Michael Furlongs mother was ill hence why Tom Furlong went MIA." I asked him what is the relation to Michael to Tom ie brother,father, uncle and Virgil STATED HE DID NOT KNOW!!! Gee a man named "S Osborn" signed off on 80% of the Equity Partner Agreements and until this month I never heard of a Michael Furlong in the office. Add two together subtract the "Furlong" and you get a clear cut PATH TO MICHAEL OSBORN!!!!

Virgil G Williams known to hangup on the phone quickly when it gets uncomfortable to him and last week resorted to name calling via text message.

Virgil G Williams the same 67 year old who when I first called him totally off guard around April 20th had JUST GOT OFF A TREADMILL to take the call and then weeks later tries to play the "Quintuple Bypass Card" to elicit empathy and not continue to grind him.

To ALL DEFRAUDED INVESTORS of ie under the parent company VIPWallSt which also has its branches around The Pump Tracker and Data Capital Corp. Ask Virgil WHAT is preventing funds from being released to partners NOW vs. another week from now? And when 7 days goes by and no funds are received ask him why can one STILL NOT RECEIVE FUNDS???

Virgil Williams scam, Virgil Williams fraud, Virgil Williams ripoff
Dr. Alexandre Scheer scam, Dr. Alexandre Scheer Fraud, Dr. Alexandre Scheer ripoff
Michael Osborn Scam, Michael Osborn fraud, Michael Osborn ripoff