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05/26/15 11:33 PM

#345535 RE: pontiyak #345533

Oh, stuff it yak. You've been 100% wrong, 100% of the time for at least the last 10 years. It really does not take a great deal of intelligence to be right about all of these penny scams. Common sense will sniff out 99% of them.

lucky, mydog

05/27/15 7:12 AM

#345536 RE: pontiyak #345533

lol. that's probably the most you can do. it's a start.


05/27/15 10:57 AM

#345537 RE: pontiyak #345533

I interpret that to say.....

"yada yada yada, you all have common sense and I don't".

BTW, How dare you call out anyone for throwing it back in your face?!!! How many years did you and your buds do that to anyone and everyone who tried to warn you? You have the audacity now to cry, "boo hoo, quit being mean to me"?
Was it us who came up with the term "basher"? I forget.

And to say

I have freely admitted I made some wrong choices,

Is the equivalence of saying, "I freely admit Adolf Hitler may not have been a nice guy....."

To think I STILL have to come on here to tell you Keith is worthless scum, and you STILL defend him and tell me I'm wrong, just shows you really have learned nothing.