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06/02/06 11:26 AM

#2902 RE: david02835 #2901

JP: I get the impression from your post to Calgary that you don't like to be "wrong" or "scammed" when you put money into a stock. If so, you're healthy and normal!

Only problem is with KSWJ -- IMO, it's a total crap shoot -- pure gamble. You have a company here who probably was selling shares to survive before the SEC halted it. What will change that from continuing in the future? Once a company starts out selling shares to survive with no revenue coming in -- they tend to get addicted to selling MORE and MORE shares.

My guess is that this was getting naked shorted to death and the company knew it, which then meant that they would have to continue to issue more and more shares just to stay alive. The eventuallity of them having to do a huge R/S would one day almost be forced upon shareholders.

Until generous revenue would start coming in, I think this will continue to get naked shorted to death, simply because this is the kind of stock shorters LOVE to short. They know there will always be momentum spurts to short, and they know the company can't do a thing about it. Shorters KNOW this company doesn't have shrewd enough people to keep the share price propped up for very long.

We truly have had a bunch of very unprofessional people running this company. (of course that can change). Talk about masters of incompetence. How could this past bunch of fumble-butks ever run a successful operation?

Then you have the matter of the patent. If this EM-100 process was worth a plug nickle, you can bet Mobil/Exxon would be paying big bucks for it to either bury it, or use it.

Obscurity, obscurity, obscurity, secrecy,secrecy,obscuring: that's all they have been masters at. There are other factors as well that I won't bother talking about.

Pure and simple, this is a GAMBLE of the highest magnitude. If you can truly deal with your emotions that this is a high, high risk gamble, and if you lose every penny you put into it ... then depending on how much you can afford to lose and live with yourself ... it probably is a GOOD game for some small gain.

Small gain - I repeat - small gain ... with a ton of patience before you lock in that small gain, most likely.

My two cents. Forgive me for intruding.


d indian

06/02/06 11:50 AM

#2904 RE: david02835 #2901

DAVID,and all other good people on this board,caught another bear, small one so just ate him in the woods,you might say he was food for thought.Hounds I shot last week,my ex buddy's dogs,told him rancher shot them,he is looking for cows to kill,hope he brings back steaks.
Sure felt good after recharging my brain needed it after wandering around pinkie hell.STOCKS up 20 to 200 percent on my scottrade chart,sure was going to enjoy that coffee,one gulp before gagging,stocks were the ones I sold in the past three weeks,damm crap chart always shows up when sleepy.
Moral of story,spend all our time and energy on a few stocks ,going against our natural instincts,selling good money makers,to buy bad ones so we won't be left out of a red hot deal,above all make sure friends get buried too.
Members,everyone should refrain from buying,almost two months now.Let the company make the next move,can always spend your money anytime,rather run uphill in a stampede,than caught in a landslide.For heavy thinkers,will send bear meat.
Thank you.Respectfully, The Dumb Indian