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05/23/15 10:30 PM

#60274 RE: lesgetrich #60260

they released cafe serenpedity

it would be in the interest of investors if they said what 1000 stores they were in, why wouldn't they release that?

that's not competitive advantage its marketing, which is what PR's are suppose to be. Why wouldn't they tell us what stores we can find MCIGs in?


05/24/15 11:26 AM

#60289 RE: lesgetrich #60260

Les, it seems to boil down to, these deals are not officially closed, or can't be confirmed as such. Their one main distributor model was something i mentioned they should go to in a past post. But if that was a done deal, why not mention it? All the stuff in their pr's could come true, but it seems mcig is speculating and passing it off as pr material. I'm patiently waiting, but in the mean time, until they release concrete news, this is going to continue to drift back down. I'm pretty confident in that. Longs should have sold at least part of their position on that big pop in order to buy back later because the pr does not contain concrete proof of anything and therefore the pop was unsustainable and we continue to have to wait for these initiatives to generate a pr that shows proof to investors.