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05/23/15 11:56 AM

#49542 RE: User_347763 #49538

The question is what will happen when the final order is released creating the classification.

Your response is for after the Actipatch is actually approved, unless I am reading it wrong.

IMHO we get a quick 48 hour jump to around .005. Then when or stating they have submitted the application realization will come that clearance is another 6 months away.
If we do get clearance for OTC this year we will see a peak around 0.01 before a sell out at 0.015

As with all parabolic moves genre could be a few hours where these numbers are off by 100% or more.


05/23/15 4:52 PM

#49565 RE: User_347763 #49538

Hey liever - you may well be correct, can't say you're not, but I've looked at it a little differently.

I was very, very long when it kicked up to 12.9 cent a few years ago and did well, not the bottom, not the top, but very well. I profer some assumptions for your consideration:

The current 'creep up' may continue into the .004 to .006 range, that's where I initially bought. for a 25 bagger potential at 12.9 cents - I know, that was then, this is now. And, the uber scam promoter was involved before BIEL tossed him out and the authorities then charged him on issues relating to his trading in other public companies, for which he was convicted and banned for life on a few things. Check it out online. BIEL weathered that storm and continued grinding and here we are.

More recently, BIEL jumped for a 42 bagger. Take the middle, a 33.5 bagger. On the biggest breakthrough news to (a) hit BIEL; or (b) the FDA analgesic portfolio or (3) the multibillion $$$ Big Pharma chemical analgesic industry, ever? I just don't think 33.5 or 42 or 50 bagger thinking works, but let's assume a 50 bagger - that's 25 cents liever. But, let's be conservative.

Can you hear a room full of execs with some money, or a group of businesswomen talking about the FDA Final Order published in the Federal Register affecting chronic pain, including menstrual? With BIEL trading at between 10 cents? I can, "If I invest around $10 grand at 10 cents, that's a hundred thousand shares plus commission, I'll take that risk.". Now multiply that a few million times and think of the folks who will invest a thousand or 100 thousand, without even blinking, because they see the big picture of what this is really about – paradigm shift. Not just affecting BIEL, but the multi-Billion $$ pain industry, globally! But, let’s stick to home here.

Now go 5 to 10 trading days out and the brokerage industry, which lives on commissions, knows about BIEL and that only trading clients generate income for institutions and for the Street. Now apply old fashioned greed and the need for people to get in on the secondary run. Now apply that to the capitalist free world, but, in particular, the investing public here at home, NY to LA and Chitown to Miami and every chronic pain sufferer in between. Now, apply the information that BIEL just applied the postage stamp and sent its application for consideration of OTC status to the FDA.

Now, throw all this into the mix and make give me a speculative number, but only for 15 trading days out from the publishing of the Final Order. Nothing to do with number of shares; people want to make a few bucks and nothing in our society is more prevalent than pain! And right behind that thinking is the intimate knowledge of every American household with a medicine cabinet, a pill bottle or a relative suffering from chronic pain and first-hand knowledge of the negative side-effects of chemical painkillers!